Ron Paul
Stand Strong...remember the delegate process.
By the way, I am still alive (for those who care) and still intend to start posting again. This year has been incredibly busy with the push for RON PAUL...the push is not over yet...I have yet to vote...I am looking forward to getting my absentee ballot in the next few weeks!
Until then, the anniversary for the Iraq War is upon us. If you feel it is time to come home, I strongly urge you to seek out your local protest group and join in. If you feel we are doing the right thing, I strongly urge you to find your local recruiter and join the military (or at least form an anti-antiwar group and protest them (in a peaceful manner). Either way, exercise your rights. Personally, my heart is with those who want us home. I do not know that I will stand with the protesters as I wear a uniform for a living...but we'll see when that time comes.
God bless you all.
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