George Washington

In the midst of "African American History Month" and the preceeding "Martin Luther King Jr." Birthday celebration, let us not forget the most important man that God ever graced this country with. Today we honor George Washington's birthday, albeit it is now called "Presidents' Day", it would be in our best interests to remember the man born on February 22nd, 1732. In a day and age that the average American man stood at around 5'5", this man grew to an astounding 6'3"...some even give him two more inches. He was a born Leader, a man that God clearly had a destiny already made for. What a destiny it would be! With an education not much above the common man's, young George sought out service in the Army to gain a "real" sociopolitical stance in the community. We've all heard the stories; the Cherry Tree, the Prayer at Valley Forge, crossing the Delaware, his fight with and Indian War-Party that he left with a bullet-riddled jacket while he, himself, was untouched, and on, and on. What most of us have not heard, or at least haven't heard since middle school so many years ago, is his Farewell Address. Why don't we all take a moment and listen to the Last Words of America's First, and Greatest Leader:

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