Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Gun Bans Intensifying

"In 2000, New York`s penal law was amended to define military-style weapons and weapons with excessively large ammunition capacities as "assault weapons." The possession and sale of such assault weapons was banned but a "grandfather clause" was included, allowing the legal possession of those assault weapons that were lawfully possessed since September 14, 1994 or manufactured on or before October 1, 1993. Given the current heightened concerns regarding terrorism, and the danger posed by these military-style and large capacity weapons, this bill repeals the assault weapon grandfather clause and prohibits the sale and possession of all assault weapons in an effort to protect citizens and law enforcement personnel." Read the entire bill here.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I find myself praying to the Lord that this bill does get passed. WHAT?!? Yeah...pass it...anything to wake America up. The shooting must start sometime, and somewhere. Just let it be after I get back to The States, so I can help in "The War." As Constitutionalists and/or Christians, we must draw a FIRM line in the sand. We've done it so many times, but have we ever gone back to look where that line once was? The shooting should have started 50...nay, 80 years ago. Our next line must be our LAST...it's time to fight for our rights. Did you catch the key phrase there? OUR RIGHTS. Not government granted privileges; no, rights given to us by God. We can't all wait until they are on "our doorstep" to begin fighting. We must start before they get to that point...we must be willing to start when they are on the doorstep of "Joe Schmuckatelly."


Insurgent as defined by Webster's Dictionary (1828): "n. A person who rises in opposition to civil or political authority; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws. [See Insurrection.] An insurgent differs from a rebel. The insurgent opposes the execution of a particular law or laws; the rebel attempts to overthrow or change the government, or he revolts and attempts to place his country under another jurisdiction. All rebels are insurgents, but all insurgents are not rebels."

Sunday, February 20, 2005

George Washington

In the midst of "African American History Month" and the preceeding "Martin Luther King Jr." Birthday celebration, let us not forget the most important man that God ever graced this country with. Today we honor George Washington's birthday, albeit it is now called "Presidents' Day", it would be in our best interests to remember the man born on February 22nd, 1732. In a day and age that the average American man stood at around 5'5", this man grew to an astounding 6'3"...some even give him two more inches. He was a born Leader, a man that God clearly had a destiny already made for. What a destiny it would be! With an education not much above the common man's, young George sought out service in the Army to gain a "real" sociopolitical stance in the community. We've all heard the stories; the Cherry Tree, the Prayer at Valley Forge, crossing the Delaware, his fight with and Indian War-Party that he left with a bullet-riddled jacket while he, himself, was untouched, and on, and on. What most of us have not heard, or at least haven't heard since middle school so many years ago, is his Farewell Address. Why don't we all take a moment and listen to the Last Words of America's First, and Greatest Leader:

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Madd Props to Judge Barry Tatum

Once again, a story of a True Patriot doing the right thing. The difference here is that it is this American's job, not just duty, to do so. I bet this Judge gets thrown off his Seat by the end of March for such Patriotism and devotion to our Constitution. It is quite unfortunate that Americans don't support our True Patriots more than they do. Anyway, read the story...I have received permission to republish the entire article. God Bless America while there are still Americans to bless.

Reprinted from NewsMax.com ( with permission)

Judge Orders Migrants to


NewsMax.com Wires
Monday, Feb. 14, 2005

Some consider it unorthodox and others say it is unconstitutional, but nevertheless a Tennessee judge has ordered some Hispanic mothers in child abuse and neglect cases to either learn English or risk losing their children.

Despite criticism from some legal corners, Wilson County Judge Barry Tatum, a first-term jurist and former attorney, has defended his decisions, saying he made his rulings because the women need to assimilate American language and culture for the betterment of their children. He has made five such rulings already.

"Here we have an American citizen who runs the risk of losing out on all the opportunities if she's not assimilated into the culture," Tatum said in an interview with the Lebanon Democrat newspaper, though he admitted he's never removed a child from a home because a mother did not speak English.

In an October case, Tatum ordered a Mexican woman reported to the Department of Children's Services for child neglect to learn English to a fourth-grade level within six months, according to her attorney. If she didn't, he would begin parental termination proceedings.

"The court specially informs the mother that if she does not make the effort to learn English, she is running the risk of losing any connection — legally, morally and physically — with her daughter forever," Jerry Gonzalez, the Nashville attorney who represents the woman, told the Los Angeles Times, reading from the court order.

Judges often give parental advice in juvenile abuse or neglect cases. But opponents of Tatum's rulings say language differences are no reason to remove children from homes, no matter how difficult a barrier it can be. "That's treading on sacred ground," Susan Brooks, a family law expert at Vanderbilt University Law School, told the Times.

Opponents also say that a judge's order in such cases should have to do with correcting any behavior that led to the abuse or neglect, a standard that does not involve rectifying language barriers, the Times reported. And they say the orders violate constitutional protections.

As for his client, Gonzales said Tatum's order could not be fulfilled because she has a sixth-grade education level and six months is not long to learn the required amount of English.

"I daresay the judge himself, an educated man, could not learn to speak Spanish to a fourth-grade level in six months," he told the Times. "He gave her an impossible task."

Perhaps, but this type of unorthodox thinking is nothing new for Tatum, a Lebanon resident. He's sentenced a father to report to high school with his son because of the boy's repeated absences. Also, he's helped pick up trash with teens he has sentenced to community service and visited prisoners in jail.

Some local residents applaud Tatum's rulings. They say while his order to the Hispanic mothers may be improper, "the general sentiment is, if people are going to be in this country, we all have a moral obligation to learn to speak the language," Lebanon insurance agent Bob Bright told the Times. "I know if I was in Mexico I would make an effort" to learn Spanish, he added.

English-only advocates say requiring immigrants to become immersed in English-only courses not only brings good results, but the assimilation it breeds makes for better citizens.

In California, home to most of the nation's Hispanic immigrants, such English "immersion" courses work well.

English First, a group advocating English as the nation's official language, says since the passage of Proposition 227 a few years ago, which required all public school instruction to be done in English, fluency rates among students with limited English skills have nearly doubled.

"There can no longer be any doubt that English immersion was the right path for California's immigrant students," said Mauro E. Mujica, chairman of U.S. English, Inc.

"Hundreds of thousands of children will find new opportunities in higher education and employment, doors opened by the power of English fluency. Under the guidance of a sensible language policy, we have outlined another great chapter in the American immigration story," he said, noting that Prop. 227 passed with 61 percent of the vote.

More Newsmax sites about Borders/Immigration


As seen on the Idaho Press Tribune's website:

Gov. Dirk Kempthorne's office has notified Canyon County commissioners that it has received their disaster declaration request and will review it.

Tuesday, the commissioners passed a resolution to declare the county a disaster area because of illegal immigration. The matter rests in Kempthorne's hands now.

"We have replied to the commissioners that the governor and his staff will give it a thorough review," Kempthorne spokesman Mike Journee said Thursday. "Because of its unique nature, it is something we're going to have to take a pretty close look at."

Commissioner Robert Vasquez wrote the resolution that asked for the disaster declaration.

Vasquez asked his fellow commissioners to consider the request in response to the publication of a Mexican government, comic book-style guide that provides safety advice for illegal immigrants planning to cross into the United States.

He said the book, titled "Guide For The Mexican Migrant," has set the stage for "an imminent invasion of illegal aliens" into the United States and Idaho.

Vasquez and Commissioner David Ferdinand voted for the resolution. Commission Chairman Matt Beebe expressed support for the resolution's concerns but abstained from voting on it.

The commissioners said undocumented immigrants are costing the county millions of dollars and it needs relief from what Vasquez calls an "invasion."

Vasquez has cited a 20 percent increase over 5 years of illegal immigrants making applications for county welfare.

Journee said he did not know how long it would take for the governor to make a decision.

That could quite possibly be the best news I've heard in...forever! It just makes everything start tingling inside when I hear of my fellow countrymen trying to do everything in (and out of, for that matter) their power to defend this once-great land of ours. A select few are really trying to make it "The Land of Opportunity" again...instead of modern day "The Land of Victims and Social Handouts." To only be in America to support The Cause. A few more dreadful months and I, too, will be joining my fellow Patriots to defend this once-great land against our enemies...our Domestic Enemies. For other equally awesome news and posts relating to this might Cause, I highly recommend the following links:

Monday, February 14, 2005

Chris Rock Rocks!

It's nice to know that there are still some AMERICANS in Un-Holy Wood that speak their mind without fearing what their peers may think. Please tell me that you have already heard the comments made by Chris Rock concerning the Oscars...some yes's, some no's. To start off, let me give credit where credit is due, and that is Matt Drudge from the infamous Drudge Report, where I found this totally awesome story.

It seems, that Mr. Chris Rock believes that only the gays watch the Oscars. I tend to agree. The Oscars has to be the most politically inspired show/event there is out there outside elections, debates, and C-SPAN (2). Now it seems that the Academy has found themselves in a bit of a "pickle". They have for many years been accused of snubbing the Black community in their nominations process, so they spent the last 2 or 3 years trying to correct that image. Of course, that was a total failure, too. It lost the Academy and the Oscars any credibility that the people had in them. They gave black actors/actresses awards for "B" grade movies and performances...but hey...it's their boat to sink...what do I care. The "pickle" is really this, they now have themselves a black host, and now they don't like his views. Honestly now, could they really boot Chris Rock after all the work they've done to put the races on the "same" playing-field? No way. But of course, they could always go the "Uncle Tom" route. He is a little right of center in his views, which isn't the preferred area for blacks...at least not the Left's preferred area.

To my real point, I totally agree with Chris Rock...and I firmly believe that if they let him be, the Academy my be looking at the most successful Oscars of all time. Maybe not...in order for that to happen, they would have to have NOT snubbed Mel Gibson and his two BRILLIANT films, "The Passion of The Christ" and "Paparazzi".

Any-who...a toast to Chris Rock, and I too believe that "awards for art are fucking idiotic." God bless you Chris Rock, and stay yourself. Do not let the Oscars "script" your routine, and remind them that if controversy was such a bad thing, why did Mel Gibson's movie gross over $700 Million dollars.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Targeting Journalists

So I'm browsing the internet, minding my own business when I decide to check the news...where do I go to start my news research? The infamous Drudge Report. At first I'm bombarded with news about a new kind of HIV...so what...for the most part, people who get HIV/AIDS deserve it because of their "care-free" lifestyle. Anyway, that's for another post...this one is about a story that I encountered about a Mr. Eason Jordan, former CNN Chief News Executive.

It seems that Mr. Jordan said that he believed that the US Military was targeting journalists while in Iraq. That's right; he thinks that some of the journalists that were killed in Iraq were done purposefully by the American Men and Women in Uniform! Now he's trying to explain himself out of it, but I'm not buying it. This, coming from a man who believes it is more important for CNN to know everything about our operations, spread it out to the world while (sometimes before) we are carrying those operations out, resulting in our military personnel being killed. Now he has the audacity to accuse them of killing the journalists who are essentially getting them killed? What nerves!

To go in another direction for a second, let me remind you of a relatively recent story about a Marine in Iraq. This Marine was a fire-team leader (had 3 other Marines under his charge) in charge of clearing buildings. On one such trip, they threw their grenade in (as they are trained), then charged in to find two men sprawled out on the ground. They go to check him, see if he is dead or alive, has any weapons or information, etc. As two of his Marines approaches, one of the men rolls over...he's holding a grenade.... BOOM! This Marine Corporal lost one Marine and another was extremely injured. About two days later, this same Marine Corporal (now with two new Marines to replace the dead and injured) is clearing more buildings...this time with a journalist in the team. They approach one building, throw the grenade, and storm in. Again, they find two guys on the floor appearing to be dead. As his two Marines approach to do the search, one of the Muslims starts to roll over.... The Marine Corporal, having just been through the afore mentioned scenario, opens fire...three shots in the back of the Muslim on the ground. He wasn't armed...probably just trying to let them know he was still alive and wanted medical help. Well, the journalist sent this story throughout the world...showing how cruel and inhumane the American Marines are.

What's my point? It's very simple, really. If I were a Marine in Iraq, and I had a journalist attached to my team, if he ever crossed me or my Marines, got in the way of my mission, or said anything disrespectful about my Country or my Corps...I'd shoot him in the forehead. So yes, Mr. Jordan...I also believe that some of your "journalists" have been killed by my fellow countrymen...and they did us all a favor.