Chris Rock Rocks!
It's nice to know that there are still some AMERICANS in Un-Holy Wood that speak their mind without fearing what their peers may think. Please tell me that you have already heard the comments made by Chris Rock concerning the Oscars...some yes's, some no's. To start off, let me give credit where credit is due, and that is Matt Drudge from the infamous Drudge Report, where I found this totally awesome story.
It seems, that Mr. Chris Rock believes that only the gays watch the Oscars. I tend to agree. The Oscars has to be the most politically inspired show/event there is out there outside elections, debates, and C-SPAN (2). Now it seems that the Academy has found themselves in a bit of a "pickle". They have for many years been accused of snubbing the Black community in their nominations process, so they spent the last 2 or 3 years trying to correct that image. Of course, that was a total failure, too. It lost the Academy and the Oscars any credibility that the people had in them. They gave black actors/actresses awards for "B" grade movies and performances...but's their boat to sink...what do I care. The "pickle" is really this, they now have themselves a black host, and now they don't like his views. Honestly now, could they really boot Chris Rock after all the work they've done to put the races on the "same" playing-field? No way. But of course, they could always go the "Uncle Tom" route. He is a little right of center in his views, which isn't the preferred area for least not the Left's preferred area.
To my real point, I totally agree with Chris Rock...and I firmly believe that if they let him be, the Academy my be looking at the most successful Oscars of all time. Maybe order for that to happen, they would have to have NOT snubbed Mel Gibson and his two BRILLIANT films, "The Passion of The Christ" and "Paparazzi".
Any-who...a toast to Chris Rock, and I too believe that "awards for art are fucking idiotic." God bless you Chris Rock, and stay yourself. Do not let the Oscars "script" your routine, and remind them that if controversy was such a bad thing, why did Mel Gibson's movie gross over $700 Million dollars.
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