Tuesday, February 15, 2005


As seen on the Idaho Press Tribune's website:

Gov. Dirk Kempthorne's office has notified Canyon County commissioners that it has received their disaster declaration request and will review it.

Tuesday, the commissioners passed a resolution to declare the county a disaster area because of illegal immigration. The matter rests in Kempthorne's hands now.

"We have replied to the commissioners that the governor and his staff will give it a thorough review," Kempthorne spokesman Mike Journee said Thursday. "Because of its unique nature, it is something we're going to have to take a pretty close look at."

Commissioner Robert Vasquez wrote the resolution that asked for the disaster declaration.

Vasquez asked his fellow commissioners to consider the request in response to the publication of a Mexican government, comic book-style guide that provides safety advice for illegal immigrants planning to cross into the United States.

He said the book, titled "Guide For The Mexican Migrant," has set the stage for "an imminent invasion of illegal aliens" into the United States and Idaho.

Vasquez and Commissioner David Ferdinand voted for the resolution. Commission Chairman Matt Beebe expressed support for the resolution's concerns but abstained from voting on it.

The commissioners said undocumented immigrants are costing the county millions of dollars and it needs relief from what Vasquez calls an "invasion."

Vasquez has cited a 20 percent increase over 5 years of illegal immigrants making applications for county welfare.

Journee said he did not know how long it would take for the governor to make a decision.

That could quite possibly be the best news I've heard in...forever! It just makes everything start tingling inside when I hear of my fellow countrymen trying to do everything in (and out of, for that matter) their power to defend this once-great land of ours. A select few are really trying to make it "The Land of Opportunity" again...instead of modern day "The Land of Victims and Social Handouts." To only be in America to support The Cause. A few more dreadful months and I, too, will be joining my fellow Patriots to defend this once-great land against our enemies...our Domestic Enemies. For other equally awesome news and posts relating to this might Cause, I highly recommend the following links:


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