Gun Bans Intensifying
"In 2000, New York`s penal law was amended to define military-style weapons and weapons with excessively large ammunition capacities as "assault weapons." The possession and sale of such assault weapons was banned but a "grandfather clause" was included, allowing the legal possession of those assault weapons that were lawfully possessed since September 14, 1994 or manufactured on or before October 1, 1993. Given the current heightened concerns regarding terrorism, and the danger posed by these military-style and large capacity weapons, this bill repeals the assault weapon grandfather clause and prohibits the sale and possession of all assault weapons in an effort to protect citizens and law enforcement personnel." Read the entire bill here.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find myself praying to the Lord that this bill does get passed. WHAT?!? Yeah...pass it...anything to wake America up. The shooting must start sometime, and somewhere. Just let it be after I get back to The States, so I can help in "The War." As Constitutionalists and/or Christians, we must draw a FIRM line in the sand. We've done it so many times, but have we ever gone back to look where that line once was? The shooting should have started 50...nay, 80 years ago. Our next line must be our's time to fight for our rights. Did you catch the key phrase there? OUR RIGHTS. Not government granted privileges; no, rights given to us by God. We can't all wait until they are on "our doorstep" to begin fighting. We must start before they get to that point...we must be willing to start when they are on the doorstep of "Joe Schmuckatelly."
Insurgent as defined by Webster's Dictionary (1828): "n. A person who rises in opposition to civil or political authority; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws. [See Insurrection.] An insurgent differs from a rebel. The insurgent opposes the execution of a particular law or laws; the rebel attempts to overthrow or change the government, or he revolts and attempts to place his country under another jurisdiction. All rebels are insurgents, but all insurgents are not rebels."
To be fair, except possibly to protect yourself from street crime, there really is no need for a gun in a major city and pepper spray would actually be more effective. I live in Seattle, which is considered "rural" by friends from the east coast, and I would be afraid to use a gun in the city except within a gun range because I would accidentally kill someone.
The real problem is the "us" vs "them" mentality and that we forget to think of others as individuals. I had a Kerry supporter "wish that I would get sick and not be able to vote"...I still regret not inviting her in to discuss her inability to consider that I am my political party.
If you have a need for change, use political power first. If the representatives don't abide by the will of the public as a whole, then you might be justified considering using guns to bring about change. At the moment, most people don't vote in non-presidential elections...please get them to vote before you try to use guns to drive change.
Mike...of course, I would suggest using all available means prior to starting a war, and I am not promoting violence just at the presence of a bill, nor even if the bill becomes law. I am advocating that the people need to stand up if that law violates their God given Constitutional Rights, and then is enforced.
As far as your first statement, I find it both ignorant and partially cowardly. Millions of decent men and women own guns in large cities, millions even carry fact thousands of them find that they must use their weapons to defend themselves on the streets and/or in their own homes. How many innocent persons are hurt? A statistically irrelevant amount. Go to the State Dept's web site...or FBI...look up the crime stats...accidental deaths by guns are less than the number of those that die from bicylce crashes.
Pepper Spray? Are you joking? Try it on me...I guaranteed you would end up dead before I had the urge to wipe my eyes...yeah, maybe I've been what...a gun is much more accurate than pepper spray, anyway. And if I recall, if it's your life you're defending, the antagonist probably is armed, probaby is not withing 3 feet of you, so the pepper spray isn't going to be effective even on him.
Last comment on your comment. All governments...I repeat...all governments from the dawn of time have realized the fact that an armed society is a free society. Whenever the government wanted to control the people, they took away their arms first. Those that took them away for "good" reasons (safety, security, etc) all eventually became tyrannical governments. I stress again, from the dawn of Creation, governments have noted that an Armed People is a Free People. Just keep that in mind...if you don't want to carry guns, so be it. Just ensure that those of us who know how to use them and want to carry them for our safety, and yours, keep the Right to do so.
If an attacker has a gun on me, since I do not have military training in gun use, I wouldn't have a chance to even draw a gun let alone defend myself.
The threats at a distance of more than 20 feet, I would run from...and honestly the only situations where I have felt nervous in were those were the other person was within a few feet of pepper spray would have been adequate.
...most of the threats I see are from borderline insane homeless people who are panhandling...
I'd like to know, on a scale of 1-100 (where 1 is "everything is great" and 100 is "grab your gun, we need to start the overthrow now") where do you think we are as a country?
Personally, I'd say we are somewhere around 15...things aren't great, but we could get a lot worse and still fix it through political means.
BTW, to your statement about millions of urban gun owners, I could own a gun, but if I store it in my apartment then my landlord can kick me out, if I bring it to my workplace then I loose my job, and if I bring it into most public places then it can be confiscated.
Come visit a big city and try to carry your gun into a major corporation, a library, a bank, or city hall and see what the reaction is.
In fact, the only guns I have seen in the hands of tens of thousands of people that I have met and watched are on security guards, police officers, and at a gun range.
Besides, if it is my time to go, then praise God and I hope my life offers a positive witness. I have no fear of terrorists, criminals, or oppressive governments for I know that I am saved through Christ.
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