Yes, my venture as a "blogger" seems to be failing quite miserably, as can be seen with the vast amount of content that flies across this page! A little update to any readers out there that might find life without my blog hard to live (you poor bastards): I left Okinawa in July of 2005 and picked up the wife and kids in Idaho and made that one move I've dreaded making my entire life...that is the move to Satan's Lair...I mean California...or is it Mexifornia now? Started to get the house settled then had to make a trip detour to Arizona for a month (USMC Training Op)...then finished with the house and then got deployed back to Iraq in January...been in this hell-whole ever since...however, it does seem better than living in the USA in the current state it is in...minus the aspect of being away from my family, of course.
Now that the update is complete, and my excuses made for not posting, on to WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS (apologies to Peter Griffin and the FOX Corp.)!
What is going on in the country now? YOU, America...having THOUSANDS of CITIZENS in another country...defending it from invasion and civil war; YOU are letting OUR country be INVADED? That is what's going on, you realize, don't you? THEY are amassing on the border right now trying to come across for that dream of amnesty. AND YOU ARE LETTING THEM! I'm not an idiot saying this...and I know it sounds somewhat high and mighty...easy to say when I am currently 4,000 miles away, right? No, it's not. It is heartbreaking, though. We are the ones that swore to defend the we are unable to do is in your hands America...DO SOMETHING. STOP THE MADNESS. Ensure that we have a country to come back to.
I know the consequences of such actions, but first to the political/economical part of such an amnesty or of the opposite. First, we are at a fairly low number for unemployment. Let's take that 12 million number everyone is throwing around, although we all know that number should be doubled...easily. Add 12 million people to the current census...yes some are already working, but some are not...they all now are eligible to suck on the tit of America's socialist programs such as social security, Medicare, et al, now. The unemployment number will go up and the amount of government spending on benefits will go up...thus the economy as a whole will go down. Are we ready for that? "But if we legalize them then they pay taxes now, and the government will just be spending what they are paying." WRONG. The government currently spends about $1.50 (give or take a dime) for every dollar it gets. So yes, they will be making, taking more...but will in turn spend even more.
Now, what if we import all these criminals (yes, they are criminals...they are here illegally...i.e. broke the law to get here, making them criminals)? Now, approximately 6 million jobs will be available (Nothing to back this up...just a wild guess, plus it makes the upcoming math easy). Quick hard math...300 million Americans, 4% unemployment (that means 12 million AMERICANS don't have jobs)...add 6 million jobs...unemployment WILL be 2%...but we know that's too easy. "THEY do the jobs we won't/don't." Take the sorry saps collecting government money and tell them to get a job...take their money away that they've been getting for doing nothing...they'll work. Who was doing these jobs before we were overwhelmed with illegal criminals? AMERICANS. They will do it again...where there is money to be made there are people willing to do the work...simple and demand...all that good stuff.
Enough on that...for I neither am an economist nor do I wish to become one. What nobody is talking about and I shall bring to light (for those I haven't bored to death) is the social implications of what could happen now, tomorrow, or next year...if the current plight of these illegals continues. The plight I speak of is that we don't want them here so they are marching on OUR streets (ILLEGALLY), demanding OUR rights (ILLEGALLY), on OUR TV/ OUR OUR COUNTRY (ILLEGALLY). If this continues, America, it will only take one buffoon...American start an outright RIOT. If say a group of punk American kids decides to crash one of these ILLEGAL rallies, it will be A.) the straw that broke the camels back, and B.) bloody hell. This country has been teetering on a civil war for quite some time...although most of us don't want to admit it. We are fed up with the government and are just waiting for the fight to start...for somebody else to start it. Will it matter that the igniter is an ILLEGAL march? No, what will matter is that a bunch of American punks got beat up by a bunch of ILLEGAL criminals and the government arrested the Americans...not the invaders. Be careful, America. This is a tense situation...much more so than any of us accredit it.
Once again, let me be the one to say "GOD HELP US!" Because we clearly cannot, or just will not, help ourselves.
As a side note, I am still much too lazy to change the George Washington tribute, nor do I see any reason to...he is that great after all. My plan is first to weed through all my old blogs for broken links and such. For instance, Save Our State ( is still there, but the picture for the link no longer exists. So, for those of you who find that annoying, rest assured that all will be made right in due time...that is, in my time. Maybe along the same time I’ll get a new background instead of continuing to steal the current one from the Idaho Observer ( I don’t know, we’ll see if time permits.
i don't know what is left to save in America. internally, yes, maybe a lot. but as for saving it from outsiders? America itself poses a very large threat on so many levels to other countries. I mean really, the world needs to be saved from America (no really, think about it).
what's worse? illegal immigrants, or bombing 2 countries, leaving them in pretty much not the greatest state, and then backing another country on the uncalled for bombardment on yet another country. (yes, i do realize you're in the military and won't believe me but the truth bites brother).
"illegal immigrants" and jobs? do you know how many jobs American companies displace overseas? all those jobs taken from Americans and given to people all over the planet. india, phillipines, Canada.*
yes, even Canada. Some American could be working my job in America. but no, i have it. Actually, theres many like me.
So maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible idea to keep millions of job positions in America to benefit Americans. As is your concern.
You know, rather than let them mostly poor and harmless "criminals" take all your jobs.
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